Revised Form I-817

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) would like to inform you that a revised Form I-817, Application for Family Unity Benefits, is now available for use. The form was revised to clarify language in some areas of the document and convert it from a one column to a two column format.

 You may begin using the revised Form I-817, Application for Family Unity Benefits, today. The current edition is dated 6/26/2013. You may continue to use other previously accepted versions (2/28/2012), (11/23/2010), (4/21/2010), (1/6/2010), (2/3/2009), (5/27/2008) until September 23, 2013, at which point only the most current version will be accepted.

 Also, USCIS recently made changes to the following forms and published the revised versions for use. We would like to remind you that, after the deadline, previous versions of the forms will no longer be accepted. Please be sure to visit for the most current versions of all USCIS forms.


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